Single back piece.
Two buttons (+1) single breasted lounge jacket without breasted darts.
Términos y condiciones
Single back piece, no vent in tail and without a mantigale.
Two buttons (plus one below waistline) single breasted lounge jacket without breasted darts.
Notch lapel: Cran width 3.5, lapel width 7 cm, cran height 3 cm, cran angle 90º , neckline depth of the front piece 6.5 and lapel depth 5 cm.
Breast pocket.
Two piece set-in sleeve lounge jacket, slack sleeve head 4.5 cm
Sleeve vent: 4 buttons, button diameter 24 lines (15,2mm), distance between the button edge and the sleeve bottom 2.5 cm, distance between the buttons edges 5mm, distance between the buttons edge and the sleeve vent edge 3 mm.